Cannabis and marijuana are names for the same plant. In the U.S., “cannabis” is preferred over “marijuana” for two reasons. First, it’s the plant’s scientific name. Second, “cannabis” lacks the negative history of “marijuana.”
It is often asked, “Is marijuana the same thing as cannabis?” emphasizing the need for clear definitions. Use slang or the scientific name, but know the word’s origin. This way, you can choose names thoughtfully and understand why.
Marijuana and cannabis are related but not the same. Cannabis is a plant family that includes types like Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. Its plants have compounds like THC and CBD. Marijuana is specifically the dried flowers and leaves of cannabis. It’s used for its high THC content, giving it psychoactive effects.
In contrast, hemp, another cannabis type, has deficient THC levels. It’s grown for industrial purposes, such as textiles, paper, and CBD products. So, while marijuana is a type of cannabis, not all cannabis is marijuana.
Is marijuana The Same Thing As Cannabis?
When considering legal and medical contexts, the question “Is marijuana the same thing as cannabis?” becomes essential for understanding regulatory distinctions.
People often use the words “cannabis” and “marijuana” interchangeably. But, they don’t mean the same thing.
- The word “cannabis” refers to all products from the plant Cannabis sativa.
- Cannabis has about 540 chemicals.
- “Marijuana” means Cannabis sativa parts or products with high THC levels. THC mainly affects mental states. Some cannabis plants have low THC. These are labeled “industrial hemp,” not marijuana, under U.S. law. In this fact sheet, we call Cannabis sativa “cannabis.”
What Are Cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are substances. They are found in the cannabis plant.
What Are The Main Cannabinoids?
The main cannabinoids are THC and CBD.
How Many Cannabinoids Are There?
Besides THC and CBD, more than 100 other cannabinoids have been identified.
Has The U.S. Food And Drug Administration (FDA) Approved Cannabis Or Cannabinoids For Medical Use?
The FDA hasn’t approved the cannabis plant for medical use. Yet, it has approved drugs with single cannabinoids.
- Epidiolex contains a purified form of CBD from cannabis. It was approved to treat seizures linked to Lennox-Gastaut or Dravet syndrome. These are two rare and severe types of epilepsy.
- The FDA approves dronabinol and nabilone. They are both like THC. Marinol and Syndros have dronabinol. Cesamet has nabilone. Doctors use them to tackle nausea from chemotherapy. Dronabinol also fights appetite and weight loss in HIV/AIDS.
Is It Legal For Dietary Supplements Or Foods To Contain THC Or CBD?
The FDA bans products with THC or CBD as dietary supplements. Also, foods with these ingredients can’t be sold across state lines. However, selling within a state depends on its laws and regulations.
Are Cannabis Or Cannabinoids Helpful In Treating Health Conditions?
Drugs with cannabinoids can treat rare epilepsy, cancer chemo nausea, and weight loss from HIV/AIDS. They might also ease chronic pain and multiple sclerosis symptoms. However, cannabis is not effective for glaucoma. Research on its use for other conditions is just starting. Later sections will outline this research for specific health issues.
To address the question, “Is marijuana the same thing as cannabis?” it is important to explain that marijuana refers specifically to cannabis plants with high THC content.
As a result, marijuana and cannabis are closely related, but not the same. Cannabis is a plant in the Cannabis genus. It includes many species with varied uses. Marijuana, for example, is the psychoactive form. It’s high in THC. It’s used for both fun and medicine.
In contrast, hemp, a type of cannabis with low THC, is used in industry and therapy. All marijuana is cannabis, but not all cannabis is marijuana. This distinction is key. It helps in understanding the varied uses and legal categories of cannabis plants.